Nature, the Universe, and God

Robert Allen Fisher
1 min readAug 26, 2022
Helix Nebula (NGC 7293): Eye of God

The biggest problem with discussion of a spiritual nature is convoluted complexity and belief, when, as Jesus said, “Each of us has the ability to know truth.”

The ancient animists knew that Spirit animates everything in the universe.

Most of the work I did on my way to ME, the Spirit, was to keep removing the seemingly unending layers of complexity. You see Spirit is dead-nut simple and beyond the level of words, which makes it incomprehensible to modern humanity without doing the work.

Since we are immortal Spirits being humans, we can reclaim and revitalize our powers, abilities, knowledge, and perceptions as Spirits — if we do the work and without belief.

I pose a closer to home question for the survival of humanity: Is the planet [a/k/a Mother Nature] a sentient being?

The short answer is yes, and if you haven’t noticed, Mama ain’t happy.



Robert Allen Fisher

Robert Allen Fisher incarnated immortal Spirit, 78 human years as of May 2024, Literary editor & professional practitioner of Spirit Mechanics.