Becoming Closer to God

Robert Allen Fisher
4 min readApr 19, 2023

Whether we adhere to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or non-religious Spirituality, we are all familiar with the concept of the supreme infinite we label God, The Creator, Allah, The One, the Singularity, the Great Un-manifested.

In our attempts to deal with the difficulties of life, and make good decisions, we are forced to rely on conflicting moralities, religious beliefs, and cultural rules, which leave us asking, “Which way is up?”

Which way is up? God is up! To move up, become closer to the concept behind the label God.

“But how do I do that?”

If God created man in his/her/its own image, and God being Spirit, then the essence within each of us, the Soul, is Spirit. The most important ingredient, the crucial element, within each of us is YOU the Spirit.

All caps YOU is used to refer to the essence within, the True YOU, the Spirit, and the small letters you refers to the composite you that includes YOU, your mind, your body, your identities, and your dreams and goals.

To move your life up, move YOU closer to God, and begin to perceive life from the viewpoint of the increasingly more God-like YOU as you operate through the composite you.

Companion Article
Switch the Point From Which You View | by Robert Allen Fisher | Medium



Robert Allen Fisher

Robert Allen Fisher incarnated immortal Spirit, 78 human years as of May 2024, Literary editor & professional practitioner of Spirit Mechanics.