Robert Allen Fisher
1 min readDec 15, 2019


A long time ago, I am 73 now, I had left religion, especially Christianity, but remained a bit curious about what made people get so lost. One day some Jehovah Witnesses came by the house and gave me a copy of their Watchtower magazine. One of the article titles caught my eye, and I carefully read it and read it again. That was when I totally got that we were all born sinners. I was so pissed off I couldn’t stand it.

What right did anyone have to tell me I was born a sinner? GPBS! [Gold Plated BS]

I was born clean and no one has the right to tell me I wasn’t. But that wasn’t what really got to me. I was mostly upset that I didn’t have the choice or the option to do my own sinning, which I have of course. I have lived a life, and I have done things that in my own heart I know I were wrong and hurt people. I didn’t need religion to figure that out. I also know I have done good things and helped people, and I don’t need a religion to tell me that either.

If you think about it, that born a sinner thing is a nasty, nasty psychological hook. “Oh, look, you are a sinner whether you like it or not, so come with us for salvation while we serve you wine and bread , in the name of our lord.”

Now I wonder how long it will take for this to be taken down.



Robert Allen Fisher

Robert Allen Fisher incarnated immortal Spirit, 78 human years as of May 2024, Literary editor & professional practitioner of Spirit Mechanics.